FAQ Stuff

Lots of other sites have long annd complicated FAQ sections. But in this age of the Global Meltdown, we know that you value your time. More time means more money.

So here are some of our latest FAQ's. Short and to the point:

Will I ever get my Bailout?- What are we, economists? Not sure at this point.

How come AIG and other firms keep getting bailed out?- Because they're big campaign contributors to the Democrats. Obama winning the election on only small donations is a myth.

Should I get involved in the new Bailout Plan?- Talk to your tax person.

What are some of the ramifications of the Bailout?- Devalued currency. Hyperinflation. Protectionism worldwide. Just for starters.

Should I emigrate?- Strictly up to you. But speaking from experience, there are other places in the world where you can be perfectly happy.